Neutering is a medical procedure that prevents pets from being able to reproduce, and comes with a host of other health benefits.
Neutering is sometimes referred to as castration in males and spaying in females. Both operations are carried out under general anaesthetic and are very safe for your pet.
Neutering your dog
Neutering your dog prevents unwanted puppies, and encourages calmer behaviour in dogs.
Neutering your cat
Neutering your cat will promote calmer behaviour, prevents unwanted pregnancies, and may also prevent diseases.
Neutering your rabbit
Neutering your rabbit doesn't only protect having unwanted kits, it also helps your rabbit to become calmer and less aggressive.
Frequently asked question about neutering
Female dogs can be spayed from around six months old. Male dogs can be neutered from six to seven months old. There are a few larger breeds that may experience problems if they’re neutered too early, so it’s always a good idea to check with your vet when the best time to neuter your pet is. Cats can be neutered from around four months old, after they’ve had their primary vaccinations. It’s completely safe to neuter older cats, so don’t be put off if you miss the four-month mark
Neutering your pet will benefit you personally in a number of ways: An unneutered pet is more likely to express their frustrations and display inappropriate and embarrassing behaviour. For example, it will help reduce instances of mounting. Female dogs in heat can be messy, producing unpleasant fluid for three weeks or more. Female cats come into heat every three weeks during the breeding season (spring and summer), and exhibit behaviour such as vocalising ('calling') constantly. Neutering will end both of these behaviours. If a female gets pregnant, you’ll have to take on the responsibility of caring for her during her pregnancy, birth and looking after her litter. With some breeds of dogs having as many as 12 puppies in just one litter, trying to find good homes for them, as well as feeding, vaccinating and caring for them, can be stressful and expensive. Neutering will avoid this. Neutering also has a wide range of benefits for your pet: It prevents the risk of many types of cancer in reproductive organs. Neutering male dogs and cats reduces both urine spraying and roaming. This will minimise their risk of going missing, suffering from an injury or getting hit by a car. Neutering prevents females from coming into season, removing the risks associated with pregnancy and birth. Neutering can reduce aggressive behaviour in mature male ferrets, as well as the horrible smell and greasy fur they often develop. It can also prevent severe health problems such as alopecia and anaemia in female ferrets.
We do everything in our power to make your pet as comfortable as possible during and after its operation. Your pet will be given an anaesthetic during the surgery and post-operative painkillers to help ease any pain and make them comfortable. While your pet may feel slightly tender for a few weeks following the surgery, discomfort tends to be minimal and your pet should be up and about again quickly.
Some people worry that neutering their pet will negatively alter its personality. In truth, the only change you’ll see will be positive, as negative behaviour such as roaming, mounting, or spraying urine stops. There’s also a false perception that neutering will make your pet overweight. Any weight gain after the procedure is not a direct result of neutering, but due to over-feeding. Neutered animals often have slightly lower food requirements and you’ll need to reduce their food in line with this. Your vet will be able to advise you on your pet’s dietary requirements following surgery.